The types of support defined below represent those currently tracked by the Morgan Family Foundation. Information about other types of support can be found on Candid.
Advocacy: To develop, promote, and transform public policies, especially involving the proposal of novel solutions to ongoing challenges encountered by political, economic and social systems and institutions, especially in the field of activity central to the mission or purpose of an organization or project. Includes equal access, grassroots organizing and systems reform.
Capacity-building and technical assistance: To increase an organization’s sustainability and effectiveness through strategic and long-range planning, organizational assessment and development, business planning, and the use of outside consultants. Use primarily for process-oriented capacity-building that seeks to improve organizational practices.
Capital: To acquire, upgrade or develop capital infrastructure. Includes: building acquisition, maintenance and renovations; land acquisitions and rent payments; information technology and other equipment; and collections.
General [operating] support: Support for the day-to-day operating costs of an organization or to further the general purpose of an organization. Also includes support which may be applied to any use or to fund any purpose (unrestricted support).
[Project/]Program support: To support specific projects or programs as opposed to general purpose support.
Start-Up Funds (Seed Money): To start, establish or initiate a new project or organization; may cover salaries and other operating expenses of a new project.
Definitions provided by Candid.