July - August
Applications Due
Create your application and submit via our Grant Portal.
Our grant guidelines and an editable document of our applications here to aid in your preparation are available on our Grant Opportunities page. Applications must be submitted via our Grant Portal; see your invitation email for a direct link to your application.
You can schedule your site visit with Mary using this link.
Applications are due by August 30.
Site Visits and Internal Review
Behind the scenes, Foundation staff will verify your IRS status and review your application and financials.
During your 1 hour site visit, Mary will review your application with you, seeking clarification or requesting additional information as needed. This will also be an opportunity for you to share further details about your proposal, address potential challenges, and engage in open discussion.
Using this information, your application will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Does it meet an important community need or opportunity?
- Is it likely to be effective?
- Does your organization realistically have the capacity to implement the project?
- Is the amount requested reasonable?
Based on the review, an overall rating of your grant request will be determined.
Subcommittee Review
Your application and the Program Officer’s evaluation will be made available for the End of Life Subcommittee to review. After this period, the Subcommittee will meet and discuss the grant applications, both as individual requests and in the context of the other applications. They will make a grant recommendation based on the grant reviews and availability of funds.
The Subcommittee’s grant recommendations will be reviewed by the Morgan Family Foundation’s Board of Directors at the Board Meeting in November. After the Board Meeting, the Foundation staff will reach out to you via phone and email to inform you of their decision.
If your grant is approved, we will send your organization’s top paid staff member a letter and two page grant agreement to review and sign via Adobe Sign. This document will affirm the grant purpose, amount, duration, payment mailing address, and reporting expectations.
Grant Checks Mailed
Grant checks will be mailed in December, pending receipt of a signed grant agreement.
Our Program Officer will conduct verbal check-ins throughout your grant, as outlined in the grant agreement.
There is a written report required at the end of your grant, generally due about a month after your grant end date. The information that we currently request during our final report is available here.